Chairman Li Hua prepared the "China Stainless Steel Industry Annual Performance Report 2023" on the stainless steel industry and deeply analyzed the current situation and challenges faced by the stainless steel industry. The branch has established the operating principles and ideas of "innovation, ecology, strong foundation and self-discipline" to promote the high-quality stainless steel industry. The following four opinions and countermeasures are proposed for quality development:

  1. Deeply implement the innovation development strategy and make every effort to develop high-quality products that meet the constantly updated material needs of processing companies.
  2. Comprehensively promote energy conservation, pollution reduction and carbon dioxide emission reduction, and accelerate the pace of green and low-carbon transformation of the industry.
  3. Strengthen management, sharpen internal skills, promote the construction of industrial chains and the high-quality development of smart manufacturing industries.
  4. Strengthening self-discipline, jointly protecting the market, striving for the stable and healthy development of the industry, and ensuring the smooth operation of the industry is the basis for the high-quality development of the industry.