According to the news on October 31st, by the end of the month, futures prices had locked in a negative line, completely reversing yesterday's gains, and the price increases were fleeting! At the close, the main stainless steel contract was quoted at 14,575 yuan/ton, down 150 yuan/ton from yesterday, or 1.02%.

On the spot market, during the morning inquiry, the main price of private cold-rolled wheel 304 buy 08X18H10 four-foot rough steel was 14,600 yuan per ton, the same as yesterday's price. at a price of 14,200 yuan/ton, which is 50 yuan/ton lower than yesterday's price.

Prices recovered earlier in the week and fell, and the trading atmosphere in the market, which had not improved, was again pre-cooled. The cost of shipment of stainless steel 08Х18Н10 was 14,550 yuan/ton.